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Getting To Know Your Neighbors

Updated: Jan 7

Do you live in a neighborhood where children have play dates while adults meet up in the front lawn for happy hour? Does your neighborhood have block parties?  Do people wave at each other when coming and going?  How many friends does your dog have? How many dogs do you know by name?

What are the characteristics of your neighborhood?  How well do you know your neighbors?  How do people connect where you are?


Photo Credit:  #SunsetMagazine via Pinterest



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Audrey Patsiga Salty Dog Real Estate

Audrey Patsiga is a real estate agent affiliated with Realty Connection Group.   Realty Connection Group is a licensed real estate broker licensed by the state of California and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.

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